2024 ReFED Food Waste Solutions Summit

June 11-13, 2024 | Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Convention Center

Riana Lynn


Journey Foods


Neo-scientist, entrepreneur, and AI-patent holder Riana Lynn is committed to utilizing data-driven solutions to address the most pressing issues in the food and supply chain industries. In addition to spearheading the expansion of Journey Foods, a software startup backed by renowned global venture capital firms, Riana has an extensive background in angel investing, consulting for Fortune 500 companies, and creative direction. Forbes and the World Economic Forum have acknowledged Riana's advocacy, which transcends entrepreneurship and includes speaking engagements at esteemed institutions in support of diversity and sustainability in innovation and technology. In addition, Riana's educational background and storied journey—from a former student-athlete and an enthusiastic fruit tree grower—contribute to her comprehensive approach to innovation and problem-solving.


Wednesday, June 12

1:30pm - 2:30pm

Food as Medicine: Reducing Waste for a Healthier Future

Breakout Session 2

Is it possible to harness the power of food as medicine and prioritize nutritional and public health outcomes while simultaneously reducing food waste? In what promises to be an enlightening discussion, we’ll examine the intricate connections between efforts to improve public health and transform our food system. By centering nutritional and public health goals, we'll uncover strategies to optimize food production, value-added processing, distribution, and consumption – all while minimizing waste. Our panel will navigate the complexities of promoting health and sustainability within the food system, offering actionable insights to create a healthier, more resilient future for all.

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