2024 ReFED Food Waste Solutions Summit

June 11-13, 2024 | Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Convention Center

Erin McCluskey

Senior Food Waste Specialist



Erin McCluskey is a Senior Food Waste Specialist at WRAP, an international climate NGO tackling food waste globally. She is a dedicated advocate for sustainable food systems with experience spanning non-profits, corporate innovation, and grassroots initiatives. Prior to WRAP, Erin was the Managing Director of the Ocean Plastics Leadership Network, where she facilitated global dialogues on plastic pollution. She was also Senior Manager of the Circular Economy of Food CoLab at IDEO, working with companies and experts to design more circular products, services and business models. She enjoys working on farms as often as she can and holds a B.A. in International Environmental Studies from The George Washington University.


Wednesday, June 12

11:00am - 12:00pm

The Consumer Conundrum: How Can We Help Them Stop Wasting So Much Food

Breakout Session 1

Is it possible to make it easier, more affordable, and convenient for consumers to cut waste? Join us for an enlightening panel discussion as we delve into the complexities of consumer behavior — examining current research, identifying key data gaps, and highlighting impactful activations. We’ll explore the impact of social norms shaping consumer choices, with a focus on innovative approaches to behavioral design, and discover how shopping, cooking, and eating environments can evolve to facilitate waste reduction and foster a culture that places a greater value on food.

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