2024 ReFED Food Waste Solutions Summit

June 11-13, 2024 | Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Convention Center

Leann Edwards

Program Director of Project Green Fork

Clean Memphis


Leann Edwards works as the Program Director of Project Green Fork, a program of Clean Memphis. Project Green Fork aims to develop a sustainable food system for all Memphians by reducing food waste, connecting local partners, and encouraging green dining practices. With over fifteen years in the foodservice industry, she is deeply rooted in food culture and systems and has a passion for using food to its highest potential. Leann has worked as a professional chef in locally owned, farm to table restaurants, in healthcare foodservice, and in child nutrition. As the culinary specialist for one of the largest school districts in the United States, Memphis-Shelby County Schools, Leann spent a great deal of time educating staff and students on food as a resource.

Leann holds a bachelor's degree in communications from Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama, and an associate degree in culinary arts from Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte, NC.


Wednesday, June 12

11:00am - 12:00pm

The ABCs of Reducing Food Waste in Schools: Nurturing Healthy Habits in the Classroom and Beyond

Breakout Session 1

How can we instruct and instill better food habits from the halls of the classroom to the cafeteria while nurturing healthy habits in students? Join us for an insightful discussion on implementing strategies to minimize food waste and promote nutrition in educational settings. This session will cover how a combination of strategies and interventions — like marketing healthy choices, providing nutrition education, and offering hands-on cooking and gardening programs for students — effectively work in unison to instill lifelong habits of mindful consumption from the classroom to their homes.

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