2024 ReFED Food Waste Solutions Summit

June 11-13, 2024 | Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Convention Center

Matt Burke

Founder and Executive Director

Food Rescue Baltimore


Matt Burke is an organizer and advocate for food equity and sustainability working in his home town of Baltimore, Maryland. Active since 2012, Burke founded Food Rescue Baltimore as a means of curbing local food waste and providing access to healthy food in underserved communities throughout the city. Under his guidance as executive director, Food Rescue Baltimore has grown into the largest and longest operating grass-roots food distribution network in Baltimore, encompassing twelve weekly giveaway sites that serve thousands of individuals throughout the city.


Thursday, June 13

9:00am - 10:00am

Mainstage 3 | Behind the Baltimore Charm: A Deep-Dive into the City’s Food Waste Landscape

Mainstage Session

We love you, Baltimore! When it comes to reducing food waste, Baltimore is innovative, enthusiastic — and successful. From neighborhood composting to citywide waste policies, we’re excited to share some of what makes Charm City a model for food waste action across the nation. Featuring local leaders who will share how city policy is driving action on the state level, you’ll walk away knowing why Baltimore was our first pick for hosting this year’s Summit.

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