2024 ReFED Food Waste Solutions Summit

June 11-13, 2024 | Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Convention Center

Sue Marshall

Founder and CEO



Sue Marshall has spent much of her professional career as an entrepreneur and is currently the founder and CEO of NETZRO, SBC. NETZRO provides a food technology platform that includes proprietary technology that powers the safe capture and conversion of industrial food & beverage byproducts into new sustainable upcycled food ingredients. Sue has entered NETZRO into numerous entrepreneurial contests, accelerators and incubators with success. She uses her proud range of business experience and education to assist other entrepreneurs with start-ups that desire a focus on socially responsible business models and funding. Sue is a founding member and emeritus board member of the Upcycled Food Association. She also is a board member of the newest chapter of Naturally Network in Minnesota.

Sue is partnering with Mother Nature to correct the mistakes of past generations. She spends her days collaborating with others that share her passion for economic & environmental justice & sustainability while creating socially responsible initiatives.


Wednesday, June 12

2:45pm - 3:45pm

Solution Provider Showcase 4 | Byproducts to Brilliance: Solutions for Transforming Food Waste


Be prepared to be inspired! Our Solution Provider Showcases feature inventive presentations, thought-provoking discussions, and opportunities to forge connections with like-minded individuals passionate about creating positive change in the food waste sector.

Food manufacturing often results in the creation of byproducts that end up being sent to landfill. But there are a number of emerging solutions that can transform these inputs into valuable materials and products that solve sustainability challenges for other industries. In this session, presenters will illustrate the transformative power of circular solutions in bolstering sustainability across multiple sectors.

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